• Wednesday Sept 10th is next meeting, 0930 at the Scottsdale FSDO.
  • Issues:

o   Runway Closures @ KFFZ over next 60 days, recommend offloading training operations elsewhere. Will upload letter to airmen to website.

o   Recommend reminding pilots to stick to common reporting points on the AFTW Map.  Hearing things like Chrome Peak which are not printed.

o   Night-time approaches over KFFZ – use North side traffic pattern as published in AF/D.

o   Helicopters – Perhaps causing noise issues?

  • Airspace

o   Need more places to do Precision Approaches.

  • Luke is open to them, but not published.
  • ATP uses TUS LUK and IWA, as CGZ is a beehive.
  • Other Issues

o   Coolidge AWOS out of service?

  • Report to FSS

o   Stack at ROCQO?

  • Publish?
  • Be on CTAF when practicing
  • AFTW Copperstate presence?

o   If  interested in presenting something let AFTW know.  Will visit this in Sept Meeting.

o   Maybe Catcus fly in too.

  • AFTW may need to do outreach again to remote areas

o   Phone conferencing may be helpful

  • Superbowl

o   30 NM Presidential-like TFR over PHX metro area.

o   Safety Standdown – It may be helpful to use the time during the TFR to do a Safety Conference

o   There is the Probowl, Golf Tournament, and then Superbowl all in 1 week time frame, leading to lots of Arrival/Departures

  • There was mention of data collection for a project called Azias… though I am not privy to the details other than it is for 40 NM.

 Thanks to Ed Chauza for putting these minutes together!