NTSB Identification: ANC04LA009.
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Nonscheduled 14 CFR Part 135: Air Taxi & Commuter
Accident occurred Monday, November 24, 2003 in Juneau, AK
Probable Cause Approval Date: 3/30/2004
Aircraft: Beech 1900C, registration: N112AX
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.

The Title 14, CFR Part 135 cargo flight was on an instrument approach in dark night conditions to the destination airport when it collided with a tree. The flight was able to continue and land at the destination airport without further incident. The flight crew reported that they were cleared for the LDA-2 approach to runway 8, and were inside the final approach fix when the collision occurred. The LDA-2 approach minimum descent altitude is 1,000 feet, and the distance from the final approach fix to the touchdown zone is 3.2 miles. The reported weather at the destination airport at the time of arrival was 2 miles visibility, in light snow, with an 800 foot obscured ceiling. An FAA aviation safety inspector who inspected the airplane, said he found tree fragments imbedded in the airplane's right wing. He said the tree that was struck by the airplane was about 2 miles from the airport, and .24 miles north of the course centerline. The inspector said the tree's base elevation was between 200 to 300 feet msl, and he estimated the tree's height at 100 feet agl. The airplane received damage to the right side of the nose section, and the inboard section of the right wing.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:

The pilot's failure to maintain altitude/clearance from obstacles when approaching the airport, which resulted in an in-flight collision with a tree. Factors associated with the accident were the dark night, snow showers, and the pilot's failure to maintain runway alignment.

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