NTSB Identification: CHI00LA116 .
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Nonscheduled 14 CFR Part 135: Air Taxi & Commuter
Accident occurred Tuesday, April 18, 2000 in DECATUR, IL
Probable Cause Approval Date: 11/6/2001
Aircraft: Beech 58, registration: N9429Q
Injuries: 1 Uninjured.

The aircraft was damaged during a gear-up landing. According to the pilot's written statement, '...reached for the gear handle but for some reason I must not have selected gear down.' The pilot continued, 'Assumed the gear was down and continued with the landing. Flared to land with no gear and it settled on the belly...' The pilot stated that the accident could have been prevented by, 'use of checklist.' Post accident examination of the airplane revealed no anomalies.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:

the failure of the pilot to extend the landing gear which resulted in the gear-up landing. A factor to the accident was the pilot's failure to complete the landing checklist.

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