AFTW Mtg May 15, 2013 – 9:30 am

Attending: Dominic Gallo – FAA;  Bill Sapp – FAA;  David Kitts – Phx Helicopters;  Joshua Parriott – CAE/Oxford;  Gil Monti – ATCA;  Dave Lindskoog – TransPac;  Travis Trexler – TransPac;  Patrick Oakley – KIWA Airport;  Josh Klein – ATP/ASU;  Matt Miller – Falcon Exec

From FAA, Runway incursion at CHD – Glasair landed on CLOSED Rwy 22L.  Pilot had acknowledged ATIS and ATC clearances for 22R.  Since 22L sticks out significantly farther, it’s possible the pilot fixated on the first runway he saw.  However, he ignored & overflew the flashing “X” barricade and crews working near the end.  After touchdown, some vehicles were able to move out of his way, others he dodged around as he rolled out.  Somehow, there were no injuries or physical damage.

AFTW site error – This has been corrected.  Aircraft doing practice IFR procedures at uncontrolled airports should be on the CTAF for the entire procedure, even if the procedure turn is outside the standard 10 nm.

FAA/ DOT has decided to keep all towers open thru the Fiscal Year.

KIWA is now open 5am-midnight local. or airport specific websites will often show hot spots for safety concerns and guidance from each airport on what to watch for.  Dear Valley has a safety video on YouTube.

Phx TRACON on instrument approaches:  aircraft have been working with DVT Twr direct, or doing approaches on their own due to ATC not wanting to handle the ops.  NOW, Phoenix wants to handle the approaches, so the aircraft will no longer be on practice area frequencies.  GPS-A to SDL conflicts with SDL departures, so it is not advised for practice use – there have been several close calls.

The new VFR charts came out at the start of the month.  We are still soliciting input for the Practice Areas diagram as the airspace continues to evolve.  We want to make sure we give an adequate picture of where schools are operating, while avoiding encouraging use where conflicts would arise.  In particular, the Southeast Area seems to need revision due to how far out training has stretched to de-conflict with IWA airline traffic, etc.  Please forward any ideas to Ben Winton ( and Matt Miller (

Also, Paul Edwards of CAE has forwarded an A/FD submission to describe valley AFTW training areas, to be added near the pages showing ATCA’s west-valley areas.

Eloy continues to be busy – remember that jumpers and wingsuits can be as far out as 5nm, especially to the east and south sides.

Next Meeting: Wed July 10th, 2013 – 9:30 am at SDL FSDO