by Ben Winton | Jan 17, 2018 | Discussion Topics, Flight Scenarios
If you are cleared by PHX Approach Control to conduct a practice instrument approach into an airport within Class D airspace, can you do so without establishing 2-way communications with the tower? In the PHX area, some pilots recently have turned away from the Class...
by Ben Winton | Sep 2, 2016 | Flight Scenarios, Training
The relatively new Airmen Certification Standards, which replaces the Practical Test Standards for private pilot and instrument students, reflects a change in how CFIs should teach slow flight, as well as what candidates on their check ride are expected to...
by AFTW Website | Jun 10, 2016 | Flight Scenarios
Current Submissions Don’t think you’re safe just because you are in controlled airspace!, submitted by Brett Bell 8-1-06 Pretend It’s Really a Short Field, submitted by Jim Pitman 11-20-04 Aircraft Checkouts, submitted by Jim Pitman 10-13-04...
by Ben Winton | Nov 15, 2014 | Discussion Topics, Flight Scenarios, Training
Members of the AFTW, at its November meeting, raised the following discussion topic: Consider the following as flight instructors and students share the National Airspace System: An instructional flight files an IFR flight plan (in VMC) and after departing in...
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