AFTW Meeting – Wed, March 12, 2014 – 9:30 am

Attending: Terry Brandt (DPEAG); Jason Seigal; Brad Hagen (FFZ-City of Mesa); Ed Chauza (FFZ); Matt Miller (Falcon Exec); Josh Klein (ATP/ASU); David Kitts (Canyon St Aero); Elvis Terry (TransPac)


East of IWA is still hot for near misses, some involving aerobatics users.

There has been some confusion of ID of the Witch’s Hat (smaller, part of Santans east end) vs the Volcano (larger, north of town of Coolidge).

We still want transients (or students passing through) to call, even if only referencing large features as they pass through the practice areas. Some think they don’t need to call if they are not doing maneuvers. Regular calls help others to know to look for each other and you.



KBXK now has CTAF 122.975, PCL is moving to this frequency in a week or so. Traffic over BXK VOR also should be on the new frequency.


Marana & Pinal have parachuting in addition to PCA traffic & other nearby airports.   Conflicts with chutes are a concern due to disregard of published patterns. Pinal has an FBO and emergency services AVQ, if the FBO is listening.


Remember PCA Tower (Picacho) has no charted airspace, but rules require communication as if there was Class D airspace.


Akchin may change CTAF freq, occasionally congested from various training. Heli, ultralight & glider tow ops exist, and planes & heli are sometimes on opposite-side patterns.


Airshows & Open houses each weekend this month!

FFZ will have construction by April, with frequent runway closures; check Notam’s & Mesa city website.


FFZ still has lots of community noise issues – watch the published pattern directions & standard sizes when tower is closed. Night practice IFR approaches usually result in noise complaints which leads to transponder tracking.


“Fly Friendly” at every airport, including watching your vertical path. When you are following multiple aircraft for the runway, the pattern is usually extended, so it shouldn’t be necessary to begin descending as if you are #1, followed by adding power low over peoples’ houses.



Holding patterns: DPE’s are seeing issues on timed vs distance legs – distance legs will be specified, don’t substitute time for distance or vice versa.


On CTAF, “Any traffic please advise” is discouraged by the AIM. However “any traffic on downwind or base” can be useful to inbound aircraft – self announcing should be used to illicit others to talk.


Approaching a fix (such as holding or PT): Minutes out from fix is better than miles; don’t assume you’re #1 for anything.


DPEAG is drafting a letter to SDL FSDO to indicate concern that IFR facilities are insufficient for the amount of testing/ training going on.


Phx TRACON now doing enroute for N. AZ, new freq’s have been published.


Trouble executing the IWA published Missed Approach course? Heli’s going missed off IIWA have been getting Twr permission to bypass the 015 Radial, going direct to VOR. Fixed wings have trouble getting turned before the needle swings full-deflection. Popular adjustments include dogging the turn to Heading 145º to reduce sensitivity, or using the 360º as a lead radial (on one nav) to start turning inbound on the 015º radial ( 195º).


Operation Raincheck (Tower & Tracon tours) is still active. Feel free to contact each facility to schedule – it helps students! PAUG & FAASTeam may help get the word out.