Selected Links

Pilot Downloads ASU 2004 Airspace Research Project (4.5 MB PowerPoint Presentation) Important letter to airmen from Prescott AFSS Noise letter to all pilots AFTW reporting points poster legend 1 (please attend an AFTW Meeting to obtain the poster) AFTW reporting...

Phoenix TRACON thanks AFTW

The 2008 Super Bowl and Phoenix-FBR Open Golf Tournament threatened to overwhelm the National Airspace System over PHX. Phoenix TRACON credits the Arizona Flight Training Workgroup with contributing to the safety and efficiency of the airspace system during that time,...

Discussion Topics

The following are topics of discussion that the AFTW has thoroughly reviewed or is currently working on. Each item contains information that we desire to share with all airspace users. Please check back often for additions and updates. Click the links below to find...

Ground Scenarios

Current Submissions Common Carriage vs. Private Carriage, submitted by ERAU Flight Standards Dept. 2-23-05 Minimum Equipment Requirements, submitted by Jim Pitman 10-16-04 Creating Ground Scenarios, submitted by Jim Pitman 10-13-04 Common Carriage vs. Private Carriage...

Teaching Tips

Current Submissions Precise Aircraft Handling, submitted by Brett Bell 8-1-06 Engine Failures, submitted by Laura George 3-19-05 Landing Straight, submitted by ERAU Flight Standards Dept. 2-23-05 Teaching Lazy Eights, submitted by Jim Pitman 11-20-04 Don’t Panic...